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Sujatha (b. May 3, 1935) is the pseudonym of the Tamil writer S. Rangarajan, author of over 100 novels, 250 short stories, ten books on science, ten stage plays, and a slim volume of poems. He is one of the most popular writers in Tamil literature. He is also a contributor to topical columns in Tamil periodicals such as Ananda Vikatan, Kumudam and Kalki. He has a wide readership, served for a brief period as the editor of Kumudam, and has also written screenplays and dialogues for several Tamil movies.

An engineer by profession, he supervised the design and production of the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) during his tenure in Bharat Electronics which is currently used in elections throughout India.


Sujatha (Rangarajan) was born in Triplicane, Chennai but spent his childhood in Srirangam near Tiruchirapalli under the care of his paternal grandmother owing to the frequent transfers of his father in his job.

Sujatha received an award from Govt of India's National Council for Science and Technology in 1993 for making Science accessible to the public through his books, magazine contributions and other media .

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